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Springevents provided support at ECCMID 2021 in Lisbon, with over 100 hostesses. Here is feedback from our client, detailed in a case study.

Springevents ESCMID Hostesses
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Springevents has an established track record of providing unparalleled hostessing services for significant events, especially the esteemed ECCMID Annual Congress.
In 2022, our dedicated team had the honor of supporting the congress in Lisbon, supplying over 100 skilled English Speaking hostesses managed by three expert coordinators. As the primary point of contact, our hostesses are trained to ensure attendees receive a world-class experience. In 2023 forty eight hostesses and two coordinators support ECCMID in Copenhagen. Read more about these events case studies.
By choosing Springevents, PCO's and Associations not only invest in efficient event management but also in lasting impressions that help retain participants.

Case studies

🎬 Watch us work at ECCMID Lisbon 2022

🎬 Watch us work at ECCMID Copenhagen 2023

🎬 Watch us work at ESCMID GLOBAL Barcelona 2024
